Fake Elon musk Teslacoin investment scam, how to recover your money.

This article talks about Fake elon musk scam, and how to recover your money back.

American business magnate Elon Musk is the latest prominent figure to feature in doctored videos that use artificial intelligence technology to promote a financial scam.

The videos posted on Facebook use authentic footage of Mr Musk dubbed with an artificially generated voice to make it appear as if he is inviting people to invest in a stock trading platform called Quantum AI.

“By joining us early on, you can earn up to $3,000 by selling shares with high returns and minimal risk,” Mr Musk appears to say in the video. “This tool will make you financially independent in the shortest possible time.”

The fake video, which has amassed more than 27,000 views, uses authentic footage of Mr Musk speaking on the Real Talk with Zuby podcast. During the podcast episode Mr Musk does not mention Quantum AI.

Another fake video, posted under multiple accounts, appears to show a 9 News Australia report on Quantum AI, featuring Mr Musk promoting the investment scheme.

The supposed 9 News Australia presenter says, in an American accent, “Australians will no longer have to work,” adding that “Elon also said that every resident of the country will be able to receive an income of $5,700 a day.”

The video then cuts to a clip of Mr Musk where he purportedly says: “The latest platform, Quantum AI, will help people get rich quick, not work for every penny.”

He appears to name Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates as “prominent shareholders” before the reporter directs viewers to “make a minimum investment of $400” on the Quantum AI website.

All of this is a scam, and people should be aware of.

Can I get my money back if I was scammed by a celebrity impostor?

YES you can, It can be difficult to get your money back sometimes if you were scammed by a celebrity impostor but it is very possible you can. With the right approach you can get all your money back, go to apexchargeback.com and open a case, your case will be checked and they tell you if you can get your funds back.

A lot of people don’t want to speak up when they have fallen victim, but there is nothing to be ashamed of a there are millions of people experiencing these issues, you shouldn’t allow low lives criminals take your hard earned money when you have the law and everything on your side. It is important you report case to apex chargeback so they can as well warn the public.

How to open fraud case through Apex Chargeback.

Apexchargeback is an online platforms that offers reputable and ethical hacking services. They do this by utilizing their knowledge of cutting-edge hacking techniques to secure their clients’ online presences and safeguard their digital assets. Being the top supplier of services for ethical hacking is Apexchargeback ’ vision.

With years of business expertise, of services, including network security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing. The digital assets of clients are safe because to apexchargeback.com dedication to ethical practices and cutting-edge methods. They are the go-to option for people and businesses that have lost money due to different online and offline fraudulent activities, both people that lost money to fake investment brokers, crypto platforms, romance scam and so on. File a case on apexchargeback.com homepage, or talk to live support and the assist to recover your funds

How do I know if I am talking to a real celebrity or an impostor?

It can be difficult to tell if you are talking to a real celebrity or an impostor online. Some warning signs of a scam include asking for money or personal information, using poor grammar or spelling, and refusing to speak on the phone or in person. If you suspect the celebrity you are talking to is a scam, it is important you report them to apexchargeback.com

Are there any legitimate reasons a celebrity would contact me on social media?

It is possible that a celebrity may contact you on social media for legitimate reasons, such as promoting a new project or responding to a message you sent them. However, if they start asking for personal information or money, it is likely a scam.

How can I protect myself from celebrity impostor scams?

To protect yourself from celebrity impostor scams, be cautious when receiving messages from people claiming to be celebrities. Never give out personal information or send money to someone you have not met in person. Do not trust anyone who asks you to keep their communication a secret. Always verify the authenticity of the account by checking for a verified account badge or by researching the celebrity’s official social media accounts. If you suspect a case, report to apexchargeback.com.


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